La robotique sans écrans au préscolaire et au 1er cycle
Sommet du numérique
Atelier pratique
Depuis quelques années, il existe une variété croissante de robots sans écrans. Certains ont des boutons intégrés, d’autres agissent en fonction des couleurs sur lesquels ils roulent, et plusieurs se codent avec des tuiles physiques. Ces robots permettent à nos jeunes élèves de développer plusieurs dimensions de la compétence numérique, dont la créativité, la communication, la collaboration et la résolution de problèmes, dans un contexte ludique sans tablette ni ordinateur. Ils s’intègrent aussi à merveille au préscolaire et au premier cycle car ils permettent le développement de plusieurs domaines, dont le cognitif, le langagier, le moteur, le social et l’affectif. Au cours de cet atelier, nous présenterons plusieurs types de robots sans écrans adaptés aux jeunes enfants. Vous aurez l'occasion de les manipuler et de découvrir comment ils peuvent être intégrés au préscolaire et au 1er cycle.
Learn Quebec - Canada
Carolyn is a life-long learner and former mathematics high school teacher who works as a pedagogical consultant at LEARN. Her expertise ranges from integrating ICTs in the classroom, to STEAM tinkering, to professional learning. She is a RÉCIT Consultant for LEARN.
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Chris is a life-long educator/learner who has been a teacher and consultant throughout his career. As a teacher he taught STEAM, English, Science, Film Studies, ERC, Journalism, and on and on. He’s been known to say, “a teacher’s a teacher, regardless of subject.” Chris is a pedagogical consultant for the LEARN-RÉCIT National Services, representing the Anglophone Community.
Learn Québec - Canada
Stacy has worked as an elementary teacher and educational consultant for second-languages, social sciences, and art at Kativik Ilisarniliriniq. She has also taught English as a Second Language in Canada and Shanghai, China. She has a BA in English from Saint Francis Xavier University, as well as a B.Ed and M.Ed in Curriculum Studies from Acadia University. Stacy is a pedagogical consultant for the LEARN-RÉCIT National Services, representing the Anglophone Community.
Learn Québec - Canada
Lexie is a lifelong learner and maker. She taught numerous subjects at the elementary level before transitioning to RÉCIT pedagogical consultant at LEARN. She earned a B.A. from UBC, a B.Ed. from Uotttawa, and a Masters of Educational Technology from UBC. In her spare time she enjoys hiking, crochet, and reading. Lexie is a pedagogical consultant for the LEARN-RÉCIT National Services, representing the Anglophone Community.
Learn Québec - Cap-vert
Craig is a pedagogical consultant for the LEARN-RÉCIT National Services, representing the Anglophone Community. He is a former high school teacher of computers and technology with NFSB and LBPSB. He was also the former ICT consultant at ESSB.
2025-05-01 13 h 00
60 minutes
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